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My name is Josh Points and I hope to be your next Wake District 6 School Board Member.  35% of kids in Wake County are unable to read, write, or do math at grade level.  The first time I saw that statistic I was floored.  How could this be? One of the fastest growing cities in one of the best states to do business has an educational system that 35% of the kids cannot do the basics as it relates to Math and English.  I believe this singular issue should be what guides all educational leaders in their decision making along with two other basic ideas.  First, Parents innately dream of better lives for their kids which starts with education.  Second, Parents have dominion over their child.  


Sam Hershey 8-6-2024

This is my opponent who I disagree with on a variety of educational issues. First, I do not think that a School Board member should use his update time to lecture a large portion of society that disagrees with him on these issues. Only an ideologue that wants to divide our community would use his time in this manner. At best, this suggests misguided priorities.






Minnesota has lower proficiency rates than our state of NC. What do we as taxpayers and parents get in return for our greater investment in our teachers? Results like Minnesota? I think we should make our teacher’s pay and all essential staff (Bus Drivers, Cafeteria Workers, facilities employees) to be our Top Budgetary Priority in the $2,082,579,000 operating budget. If our aim is to increase proficiency in English and Math, the best way to do so is to align performance and compensation so that a teacher’s pay increases by proportional increases in proficiency. I believe this bonus structure should be approved by and with our teachers. Our teachers should help design the bonus structure and I am certain they would include metrics based on performance, longevity, and other factors.

The second part I disagree with is the passive aggressive way that Sam brings gender ideology into a School Board Meeting. Our schools should be a-political because that is in our collective best interests. We have boys and girls in our schools as identified by their birth certificate. I am not saying that to be disrespectful to the trans community. But this is an issue that society must address not schools. We as schools should abide by our society’s laws. This is not intended to be mean but any deviation from this distracts us from our primary role of educating our students and future society. The same standard should apply to sports, boys and girls are different and again we must go by what is on the birth certificate because that is the most impartial determinant.

I believe we spend enough money per child (over $20,000 dollars all-in) in Wake Co that we can quickly improve proficiency in our children led by OUR GREAT TEACHERS! Having premier public schools with high proficiency rates and well paid teachers would make all people of Raleigh proud.

1 out of 3 kids not being proficient is unacceptable and we all know it regardless of where you stand politically. Our goal should be to narrow the focus of our schools so that the greatest number of kids are proficient and pursuing their best version. We can measure and improve proficiency in Wake Co and we as a community will be collectively happier but it will take ALL our effort.

I just wanted to be clear on where we disagree.

I do not know Sam. I am sure that he is a great Dad and Husband. By serving his community, he has a great sense of purpose and love for our City. I feel certain that if asked anyone asked about me, they would say I share these qualities with Sam. We just have different visions for what our school’s priorities should be which includes who we were elected to serve. Students First. They are our future.





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